Welcome (back) to the Olympia Kato Sister City Association

Greetings Olympia-Kato Sister City Association members past, present, and future:

I am writing to you as we near the end of the first quarter of the new year.

The past six months have seen a lot of change and work on the OKSCA front. But much of the work is born out of the renewal of our friendship with the city of Kato. In March 2023 after a three-year-long hiatus due to the Covid-19 outbreak, Olympia sent a delegation to Kato to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the two cities’ joining together in peace and friendship as sister cities. I am honored to say that OKSCA was well represented in the delegation with 19 individuals traveling to Kato and each member of the current Board officers was on hand for the wonderful visit. 

In October, a new board of directors was sworn in after an all-member OKSCA meeting. For more information on the Board of Directors and their meetings please visit our NEW website: https://www.olympiakatosca.org/

After settling on updated bylaws, the board has been hard at work establishing much-needed guiding policies, planning for our 2024 student ambassador program to Kato, receiving the Mayor of Kato this August, and much more. There is plenty of action and lots of work to do. We are excited to re-invigorate our work and make better connections with our membership. 

We invite you to join us once again on this mission to foster goodwill, fellowship, and cultural appreciation between the cities of Olympia and Kato. 

As we are a dues-driven non-profit, I am sharing with you the current dues structure.

Dues are due annually by March 31 - or if you are a new member when you sign up. We have several options for scale, and I would be remiss if I did not mention that we are a 501 (c)3 organization. I should also mention that all participants traveling to Japan as members or chaperones of the Youth Ambassador program must be dues-paying members.

Before I leave you with this message, I want to share some of the reasons that our members have expressed to me that they first joined OKSCA.

“When I was a child our countries were at war. When the sister city delegation first came to place, I found it incredibly healing to work together in the endeavor of peace.” 

“When I was in high school I was not in a place to participate, so as an adult I felt I would work hard to reduce barriers for Olympia youth to experience cultural exchange and give back.”

I would love to hear more about all the experiences that brought you to OKSCA and look forward to working with you in the future.


Timothy Grisham
Email: admin@olympiakatosca.org
URL: http://olympiakatosca.org 

Dues Structure and Payment Options

Student = $10
Individual = $20
Family = $30
Civic/Non-Profit Org = $50
Corporate = $100
Patron = $100

We can accept checks, money orders via mail - or a card transaction via Zelle. Note there is a small $2 fee for Zelle transactions we receive.

Mailing Address:

Olympia Kato Sister City Association
120 State Ave NE #261
Olympia, WA 98501
United States

We are a 501(C)(3) organization and all donations are tax-deductible.

Be sure to include your name and membership level. The recipient will be D. Macy, OKSCA Treasurer.

Secretary Sharyn

Secretary of the Olympia Kato Sister City Association in Olympia, WA.


Board Election Results and Other News